> Addiction Treatment Centers in New York > Collins, NY Rehabs > Outpatient Treatment in Collins, NY > Zoar Valley Recovery and Treatment Center

Zoar Valley Recovery and Treatment Center

in Collins, NY

Zoar Valley Recovery and Treatment Center
Middle Rd, Collins, NY 14034
(516) 997-2926

  • Outpatient

Experience Treating

  • Mental Health



People who want to get sober in New York have many options, including outpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment is a type of care that lets people get help for addiction while still living at home. This can be a great option for people who are busy or who need to be able to take care of their responsibilities at home.

Outpatient care can also be less expensive than some other kinds of care. People in outpatient treatment usually meet with a counselor or therapist at Zoar Valley Recovery and Treatment Center several times a week, and they may also go to group meetings. People who want to stay sober and are able to follow their treatment plan can get a lot out of this kind of care.


  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Experiential Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Individual Therapy
  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
  • Outpatient Treatment (OP)
  • Trauma Therapy

Adults (20+), Seniors (65+), Teenagers Group, Individuals

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