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Linwood Community Services
in Buffalo, NY
Linwood Community Services
108 Sycamore street, Buffalo, NY, 14204
(516) 997-2926
Experience Treating
- Alcohol Abuse
- Dual Diagnosis (Co-Occuring Disorders)
- Opioid Addiction
Drug Rehab
One in every 12 adults in the United States, according to a study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, has battled an alcohol or drug addiction at some point in their lives. Drug rehab can be a crucial step on the road to recovery for those who are ready to start sober. Numerous top-notch rehab centers in New York State provide thorough treatment programs for those who are struggling with addiction. There is a drug rehab option in Buffalo that can accommodate your needs, whether it be an inpatient program or an outpatient program. Reach out to a drug rehab facility like Linwood Community Services in Buffalo right away if you’re prepared to take the first step on the road to recovery.
- Drug Rehab
- Group Therapy