> Addiction Treatment Centers in New York > Troy, NY Rehabs > Residential Treatment in Troy, NY > 820 Supportive Living

820 Supportive Living

in Troy, NY

820 Supportive Living
820 River St, Troy, NY 12180
(516) 997-2926

  • Residential
  • Inpatient

Experience Treating

  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Opioid Addiction
  • Substance Abuse


Aftercare Support

Aftercare support is a type of treatment that helps people in New York who are struggling with addiction. This type of care can be very beneficial for those who are trying to get sober and stay sober. Some of the benefits of aftercare support include continued treatment, support from peers, and accountability. Aftercare support can help people in New York stay on track with their sobriety goals and live a better life. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please seek out aftercare support. It could be the key to a successful recovery.

Drug Rehab

New York is one of the most populous and diverse states in the country, and it is also home to a large number of people struggling with addiction. Drug rehab can provide a much-needed lifeline for those looking to get sober. The first benefit of drug rehab is that it can provide a safe and supportive environment to detox from drugs and alcohol. Detox can be a difficult and potentially dangerous process, but with professional help, it can be safely completed.

Once detox is complete, 820 Supportive Living provides an opportunity to begin learning about addiction and recovery. In rehab, individuals will participate in therapy sessions and other activities designed to help them develop the skills they need to stay sober. After completing rehab, individuals will have the tools they need to live a life free from addiction in Troy. For anyone struggling with addiction, drug rehab can provide the foundation for a new beginning.


Inpatient drug treatment can be very beneficial for people looking to get sober in Troy, NY. Inpatient treatment provides a safe and structured environment for people to detox from drugs and start their journey to recovery.

Inpatient treatment also offers 24-hour medical care and support, which can be vital for people who are struggling with addiction. In addition, inpatient treatment programs often include therapy and counseling, which can help people to address the root causes of their addiction and develop healthy coping mechanisms. While inpatient treatment is not right for everyone, it can be a very effective tool for people who are serious about getting sober.


A residential program is a type of treatment for people struggling with addiction that involves living at a facility for an extended period of time. This allows people to focus on their recovery without the distractions and triggers of daily life. Residential programs typically provide 24-hour care, which includes therapeutic activities and support groups. Many people find that the structure and support of a residential program is essential for early recovery. In addition, being in a community of people with similar experiences can be invaluable. Residential programs are often very successful in helping people in Troy achieve sobriety and go on to lead happy and healthy lives.


  • Aftercare
  • Drug Rehab
  • Group Therapy
  • Individual Therapy
  • Inpatient Treatment
  • Life Skills
  • Sober-Living / Half-Way

Adults (20+), Teenagers Group, Individuals Male
    acc samhsa acc new york state license