> Addiction Treatment Centers in New York > Shirley, NY Rehabs > Outpatient Treatment in Shirley, NY
Outpatient Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers in Shirley, NY
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment centers in Shirley, New York, can help people addicted to drugs or alcohol get sober. Outpatient treatment is a program where people can go to a treatment center daily for therapy and counseling but return home at night. This treatment is a good option for people with a job or children they need to take care of. It also allows people to stay connected to their support system of family and friends.
Family Service League – Shirley
464 William Floyd Pkwy, Shirley, NY 11967
- Residential
- Outpatient
- Dual-Diagnosis
Family Recovery Center for Alcoholism – Outpatient
1490 William Floyd Pkwy, Shirley, NY 11967
- Outpatient
Outpatient treatment in Shirley, New York
You can consider a few things when deciding if outpatient treatment is right for you or your loved one. First, outpatient treatment allows people to continue living at home while receiving treatment. This can be helpful for those who have children or other responsibilities they need to take care of. Additionally, outpatient treatment is often less expensive than inpatient treatment.
When looking for an outpatient treatment center in Shirley, New York, you should keep a few things in mind:
- First, make sure that the center is accredited and licensed. This ensures that they meet certain standards and will be able to provide you with quality care.
- Additionally, it’s important to find a center that specializes in treating your specific addiction. For example, if you’re addicted to alcohol, you’ll want to find a center specializing in alcohol treatment. This will ensure that you receive the best possible care.
- Finally, read reviews of the different outpatient treatment centers in Shirley, New York, before deciding. This will help you get an idea of what others have experienced and whether or not a particular center is right for you.
Outpatient treatment in Shirley, New York typically lasts anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. During this time, you’ll meet with a counselor or therapist regularly to discuss your progress and set goals. You may also participate in group therapy, which can help you stay motivated and accountable. Additionally, you’ll likely have to attend weekly meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. These meetings support and allow you to share your experiences with others going through similar things.
Depending on your chosen center, outpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation can be less expensive than inpatient care. It’s important to do your research before deciding and comparing the costs of different centers.
What are the benefits of outpatient treatment?
There are many benefits to outpatient treatment. First, it's often less expensive than inpatient treatment. Additionally, it allows you to continue living at home, which can be helpful for those with responsibilities, such as children. Outpatient treatment also typically requires less time commitment than inpatient treatment. However, the most important benefit of outpatient treatment is that it can be successful for those motivated to get sober and stick to a schedule.
What kind of therapies and treatments are offered at outpatient rehab centers in Shirley, NY?
The therapies and treatments offered at outpatient rehab centers in Shirley, NY, vary depending on the center. However, most centers offer a variety of therapies, such as individual counseling, group counseling, and 12-step meetings. Additionally, many centers offer various types of treatment, such as medication-assisted treatment or detoxification. It's important to speak with a counselor at the center to understand the therapies and treatments offered.