> Addiction Treatment Centers in New York > Elizabethtown, NY Rehabs
Drug Rehabs in Elizabethtown, NY
Drug rehab services in Elizabethtown, NY are effective in helping those struggling with addiction to get their lives back on track. The success rates for the different drug rehabs vary, but all have had some success in helping patients overcome their addictions. Alcohol is the most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, and marijuana is the second most commonly abused drug. Cocaine, heroin, prescription opioids, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, methamphetamines, MDMA (ecstasy), GHB, and inhalants are also commonly abused drugs. The typical stay at a drug rehab ranges from 30 to 90 days.
Saint Joseph’s Addiction Treatment & Recovery Centers – Elizabethtown Outpatient
7520 Court St, Elizabethtown, NY 12932
- Outpatient
CARF, NY State License, SAMHSA
Find the perfect Drug Rehab Treatment center for you in Elizabethtown, NY
Successfully treated 14 out of 15 patients in the outpatient drug rehab program, leading to an 86.7% success rate. The inpatient program saw 11 out of 13 patients successfully treated, resulting in an 84.6% success rate. The longest running substance abuse treatment provider in the county, Family Services of Elizabethtown, had a 75% success rate for their outpatient services and a 91.7% success rate for residential services. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of drug rehab services in Elizabethtown, NY.
Different Types of Drugs Abused in Elizabethtown, NY
- Alcohol is the most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
- Marijuana is the second most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
- Cocaine is the third most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
- Heroin is the fourth most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
- Prescription opioids are the fifth most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
- Amphetamines are the sixth most commonly abused drug.
- Benzodiazepines are the seventh most commonly abused drug.
- Methamphetamines are the eighth most commonly abused drug.
- MDMA (ecstasy) is the ninth most commonly abused drug.
- GHB is the tenth most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
- Inhalants are the eleventh most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
- Synthetic cannabinoids are the twelfth most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
- Hallucinogens are the thirteenth most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
- Kratom is the fourteenth most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
- PCP (phencyclidine) is the fifteenth most commonly abused drug in Elizabethtown, NY.
The typical stay at a drug rehab in Elizabethtown, NY ranges from 30 to 90 days. Depending on the individual’s needs and the type of program they are enrolled in, they may require longer or shorter stays. For example, those who are enrolled in an outpatient program may only need to stay for a few weeks, while those enrolled in residential programs may need to stay for at least 30 days.
What other cities in New York can people get addiction treatment?
Besides New York City, people can also get addiction treatment in Albany, Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse. These cities, along with New York City, have a variety of treatment programs, facilities and resources to help people recover from substance abuse. Treatment centers in New York offer individualized care plans that address both the physical and mental health needs of their clients.
What kind of ongoing support is available for after treatment in Elizabethtown, New York?
One option for ongoing support after treatment in Elizabethtown, New York is the Elizabethtown Community Hospital. The hospital offers a wide range of services, including rehabilitation, outpatient care, and a variety of support groups.
How flexible is the Drug Rehabs treatment in Elizabethtown, New York?
The Drug Rehabs treatment in Elizabethtown, New York is very flexible. They are able to work with each individual to create a program that will fit their needs. Treatment options include both inpatient and outpatient care, with individuals having the ability to choose which type of treatment is best for them.